Captain Imogen and her brave triathlon crew!

21 March 2018

Captain Imogen and her brave triathlon crew!

21 March 2018

The Cerebra Innovation Centre design team will be embarking on a triathlon adventure this year with their very own triathlon pilot, Imogen Ashwell-Lewis, in charge! Their first target is the Swansea triathlon on 20th May.

The team met Imogen a few years ago when they designed and made a beautiful tiny wheelchair that allowed her to move around her home and play with her brothers and her toys. The additional independence it gave her was amazing, as was the friendship they developed with Imogen and her family.

Now 6 years old and having been turned away from many sports due to her cerebral palsy,  Imogen leapt at the chance to pilot the CIC crew.

While the Innovation Centre team have learned lots about triathlons through designing and making the equipment for Poppy a couple of years ago, they’ve never actually competed in one! So this will be a chance for them to put their own equipment to use.

The bright idea came from Ross Head: “When we thought about finding a triathlete/pilot for this year, I just mentioned that maybe we should start a team and the guys agreed – which I had not expected! That was the day Team Cerebra was born!

“Dan is a strong swimmer and surfer so it made sense that he would swim and tow Captain Imogen in the boat. Gerallt loves cycling and is keen to tow Imogen to victory. Of all the sports I do, running is not one of them. So I’ve taken one for the team and am learning to run, training on the streets where I live until I am fit enough to venture further afield”.

“I am super excited to dust off my speedo’s and swim with Imogen and the team. But I need to get practicing as my swimming skills have been replaced with a belly. To the pool I go! We’re really looking forward to it, and I think we stand a good chance at winning!” (Designer Dan)

We’re looking forward to following them on their journey to glory and hope that Imogen knows what she’s letting herself in for!

If you would like to show your support to the team, you can donate by texting CICT18 and the amount you would like to donate to 70070 e.g. CICT18 £5 to 70070, or by visiting their Just Giving page.


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