
This web page provides information and support to parents as part of the LEaP project in video format.

little boy and two sisters


This web page provides information and support to parents as part of the LEaP project in video format.

Professor Luke Clements leads our Legal Entitlement and Problem-Solving (LEaP) Project at The School of Law, Leeds, which provides support to families who are having problems accessing health, social care or other services. Some of Luke’s workshops, talks and webinars have been recorded and are collected here for easy reference. Luke’s talks refer to the law but are mostly accessible by parent carers. Videos refer to the law in England unless otherwise stated. Luke has more resources available on his website

  • All
  • Disabled Facilities Grants
  • Moving into Adulthood
  • Social Care Assessments and Support

Assessing Social Care Needs (England and Wales) – Part 1

A talk on how local authorities assess the social care needs of disabled children and adults.

Assessing the social care needs of disabled children with autism (‘Autism Plus’ policies)

Luke considers the legal duties that children’s services in England are under when they are asked to assess the support needs of disabled children with autism and how research has uncovered widespread unlawful policies.

Assessing the Support Needs of Disabled Children and their Families

This talk – divided into seven separate sections – explains the process by which children’s services in England should assess the support needs of disabled children and their families.

Care and Support Planning (England and Wales) – Part 2

How eligible identified needs are translated in services in the community, for example help from a care assistant, adaptations to the home, support to participate in community activities or direct payments.

Carers Rights and the Law (Wales)

The rights of carers under the social care legislation in Wales (Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, including parent carers and young carers.

Carers’ Rights and the Care Act 2014 – Part 1

A workshop centred around the Care Act 2014 and the Children and Families Act 2014.

Carers’ Rights and the Care Act 2014 – Part 2

A workshop centred around the Care Act 2014 and the Children and Families Act 2014.

De-institutionalising Parent Blame

Luke discusses the need for a change in practice that could transform the experiences of disabled children and their families when interacting with English children’s services departments.

Disability Needs Assessment Policies and Parent Blame – Institutionalising Parent Blame

Luke discusses diverting families to generic ‘children in need’ (CiN) assessors, offering only short-term support responses that locate the problem in the parent and not in the special need for support that arise due to the child’s additional needs.

Getting a decent ‘Parent Carer’s Needs Assessment”

Luke discusses ‘How to get a worthwhile carers assessment, that provides support for the parent carer’ – Challenging the idea that local authorities have no duty to provide support following from a parent carer’s assessment.

Home adaptations for children

Luke discusses the law and problems accessing adaptations to the home, funded through disabled facilities grantsfor disabled children.

Institutionalising Parent Blame

Luke explains the research report ‘Institutionalising Parent Carer Blame’.

Mental Capacity and Decision Making Law in England

An overview of mental capacity and decision making law in relation to young people (over 16) and adults

NHS Continuing Health Care and Law (England and Wales)

The responsibilities of the NHS for Continuing Health Care funding, which is when a person’s health and social care provision are funded entirely by the NHS. This talk covers adults, but the framework for children is somewhat similar.

Legal Rights Service

Our Legal Rights Service provides families of children with brain conditions
with help when facing difficulties accessing support services they are entitled to.

Cerebra Count Me In Lottery

Count Me In Lottery

Taking part in our ‘Count Me In’ Lottery is a wonderful way to make a real difference to children with brain conditions and their families. It also means you are in with a chance to win our big weekly prize.

Sleep Service

Sleep Advice Service


Legal Rights Service

Parent Guides

Parent Guides

Cerebra Innovation Centre

Cerebra Innovation Centre


Toy and Book Library