BorrowBox Feedback

Cerebra the charity working wonders for families of children with brain conditions.

BorrowBox Feedback

Has the e-book or e-audiobook improved your understanding of your child’s condition?
Has the e-book or e-audiobook helped you meet your child’s needs?
Has the e-book or e-audiobook improved your ability to access services for your child?
If you borrowed a children’s e-audiobook has it improved your child’s skills?
If you borrowed a children’s e-audiobook did it enhance your child’s enjoyment of life?
If you borrowed a children’s e-audiobook did it enhance your child’s interaction with siblings, family or friends?
How do you rate our e-library service overall (with 1 being poor and 6 being excellent)?
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Make a Donation

Please help support our vital work that enriches the lives of thousands of children and their families every day.

Cerebra Count Me In Lottery

Count Me In Lottery

Taking part in our ‘Count Me In’ Lottery is a wonderful way to make a real difference to children with brain conditions and their families. It also means you are in with a chance to win our big weekly prize.

Sleep Service

Sleep Advice Service


Legal Rights Service

Parent Guides

Parent Guides

Cerebra Innovation Centre

Cerebra Innovation Centre


Toy and Book Library