Looking after your own wellbeing as a parent/carer of a child with a brain condition

Emotional and Mental Health | Guide

Looking after your own wellbeing is one of the most important things you can do for the wellbeing of the whole family. You are the most important person in your child’s life, championing their wellbeing needs every day. For this to be sustainable, it’s really important that you find ways to look after your own wellbeing needs too.

We know this is not always easy, so we’ve written this guide to provide some information, resources and guidance to help you find ways to focus on your own wellbeing and happiness, while caring for your child. It will cover different aspects of your wellbeing that might need extra attention. There is a personal wellbeing plan provided that you can complete while reading this guide to help you document and action some changes that you think are likely to benefit you. This guide will be useful for for anyone with caring responsibilities for a disabled child.

Front cover
First published 2017. This edition 2023. Review date 2026.

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My Wellbeing Plan

This personal wellbeing plan can be completed while reading our wellbeing guide. It will help you document and action some changes that you think are likely to benefit you.

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