About Us

In the UK today there are around half a million children and young people with brain conditions that result in complex medical, educational and social support needs. We are a charity that helps these children and their families discover a better life together.

About Cerebra the charity children brain conditions

About Us

In the UK today there are around half a million children and young people with brain conditions that result in complex medical, educational and social support needs. We are a charity that helps these children and their families discover a better life together.

Families where a child has a brain condition face challenges every day. Just to learn, play, make friends, enjoy and experience the world can feel difficult, even impossible. But we don’t believe there’s any challenge that can’t be overcome.

So we listen to families, we learn from them, we work with them. We carry out research, we design and innovate, we make and share. From new equipment to new learning resources, to new ways to play and support each other, everything we find out together makes life better. It opens doors to discovering the world. It’s an incredibly rewarding journey for everyone involved. Why not be a part of it? You never know what we’ll discover together.

Our Vision

Every family that includes a child with a brain condition will have the chance to discover a better life together.

Our Mission

We listen to families that include children with brain conditions. We use what they tell us to inspire the best research and innovation. Then we help them put the knowledge into practice so they can discover a better life together.

What we’re doing

We work closely with our families to find out where help is most needed and then work with our university partners to fund the relevant research. Our research work across neurodevelopmental conditions gives us a unique perspective within the charity research sector.

Our aim is to provide research-driven, high-quality health and social care advice and support for the families of children with brain conditions from birth to the age of 16. 

Cerebra’s objectives are to:

  • Use only current, relevant, balanced and trustworthy sources of information and ensure they are clearly referenced
  • Inform parents and carers about different conditions and the issues surrounding these so that they have a better understanding
  • Empower parents and carers to make their own decisions and resolve problems and issues

Our funding also supports the Cerebra Innovation Centre which designs and builds innovative, bespoke products to help disabled children discover the world around them. Some of these products are unique to an individual family, while other designs go on to be manufactured to help others.

In addition we provide a free library service with books for adults and children. We also fund LEaP, our innovative problem-solving project that runs alongside our Legal Rights Service offering help and support to those in need.

Cerebra is a national UK charity based in Carmarthen, Wales.

More detailed information about what we do and why can be found in our Annual Report and our Cerebra Brochure.

Make a Donation

Please help support our vital work that enriches the lives of thousands of children and their families every day.

Cerebra Count Me In Lottery

Count Me In Lottery

Taking part in our ‘Count Me In’ Lottery is a wonderful way to make a real difference to children with brain conditions and their families. It also means you are in with a chance to win our big weekly prize.

Sleep Service

Sleep Advice Service


Legal Rights Service

Parent Guides

Parent Guides

Cerebra Innovation Centre

Cerebra Innovation Centre


Toy and Book Library