Our Information Production Process

Cerebra toy library a child playing with colourful toys.

Our Information Production Process

Why you can trust Cerebra’s information

  1. We follow a strict quality control process to make sure all our information products meet the same high level of standard
  2. We use research-driven and evidence-based information
  3. We have all of our information peer reviewed by appropriate experts
  4. We involve our research partners and service users throughout the development of our information products
  5. We check that we have followed our information production process before publication
  6. We listen and use your feedback on our information products
  7. We regularly review and update our information

1. We follow a strict quality control process to make sure all our information products meet the same high level of standard

This process makes sure that the information product is up-to-date, accurate, balanced, easy-to-read and understand.

2. We use research-driven and evidence-based information

By funding research across neurodevelopmental conditions we are able to provide information that is reliable and credible. We include bibliographies of our authors and peer reviewers, along with references that were used.

3. We have all of our information peer reviewed by appropriate experts

Our information products are sent to relevant professionals for review and comment, before it is published.

4. We involve our research partners and service users throughout the development of our information

From the initial idea for an information product to final publication we involve our research authors and listen to our service users. Within this production process and even after the product is published we encourage feedback from those using our information products so that we can always make improvements.

5. We check that we have followed our information production process before publication

We go through a quality checklist to ensure that our information production process has been followed before the product is published.

6. We listen and use your feedback on our information products

Our downloadable information products have a feedback form for users to complete and any comments can be discussed with our authors and changes can be made, if required.

7. We regularly review and update our information

We review our information regularly to check that it is up-to-date. Each information product shows the date it was last reviewed and the date for the next review. If something needs changing in between review dates, we will amend it.

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Toy and Book Library