Membership of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC)
Cerebra is actively pursuing membership of The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC).
Use of animals in research – Cerebra statement
Cerebra endorses the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) position on the use of animals in research, as outlined in this statement. We support the principle of using animals in research, when no other alternatives (carefully and fully considered) can be used to advance understanding and treatment of serious health conditions.
We do not take the decision to fund animal research lightly. Through our rigorous expert peer review process, we are committed to fund high quality animal research that will benefit the health and wellbeing of children with neurological conditions, only if it is well-designed, fully justified (all other possibilities have been considered), complies with the law and supports the principle of the 3Rs to refine, reduce and replace the use of animals in research.
We recognise that not everybody is comfortable with the use of animals in research. As such, we work together through AMRC to continually review our funding practices and engage with the wider scientific community to encourage better practice and development of animal alternatives.
Supporting research in universities – Cerebra statement
Cerebra supports research at universities in line with our charitable research priorities. We fund research for the public benefit that will improve human health and wellbeing and we do not seek to own the intellectual property arising from the research. We do not fund major items of capital expenditure such as buildings and equipment. Cerebra covers the direct costs of the research only; it will not meet the full economic costs of the research nor pay towards overheads that support general university infrastructure. All future research funding opportunities will be advertised through an open tender and peer review process in line with the charity’s research strategy.
Cerebra adopts the policy of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) on Supporting Research in Universities. This policy can be viewed here:
Conflict of Interest Policy
You can read how we aim to minimise the potential for conflicts of interest in our Conflict of Interest Policy.