Systems Generated Trauma Survey

25 July 2024

Cerebra and the University of Leeds are collaborating on research that seeks to better understand the extent to which parents of disabled children experience trauma as a result of navigating the various social welfare and education systems with which they have to engage.

Systems Generated Trauma Survey

25 July 2024

Cerebra and the University of Leeds are collaborating on research that seeks to better understand the extent to which parents of disabled children experience trauma as a result of navigating the various social welfare and education systems with which they have to engage.


Trauma related practice’ is a phrase increasingly used by public bodies to convey their awareness that many of those with whom they interact have experienced life changing traumas. As a rule, the traumas referred to are ‘other’ – in the sense that they are the result of adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence, mental health difficulties and so on. What is not generally acknowledged, is that many users of public services identify their most traumatising experiences as the way they were treated by the public bodies that they had approached for support.

‘Systems Generated Traumas’ of this kind are a daily experience for many people in contact with the social welfare system, including carers, disabled people, people who are homeless, mothers in dysfunctional maternity units, claimants in the hostile environments created by the DWP, and so on – it is a very long list.

There are a myriad of intersecting examples, but for parents of disabled children these can include: being prosecuted when their disabled child is ‘school refusing’; being refused support by children’s services when in desperate need, but then having their home inspected and their children interviewed for child protection purposes; being accused of fabricating or inducing their child’s illness (FII) because they have requested a second opinion from a health professional; being unable ‘to access justice’ to gain redress for the damage done by behaviour of this kind – and so on.

Cerebra and the University of Leeds are collaborating on research that seeks to better understand the extent to which parents of disabled children experience trauma as a result of navigating the various social welfare and education systems with which they have to engage.  As part of this, Cerebra would be pleased if parent carers could consider completing a short survey that can be accessed by clicking here (closing date 13 September).


9 thoughts on “Systems Generated Trauma Survey”

  1. I regret that you are not asking adult disabled people, only parents. The damage done, the trauma caused, by the way we are treated by everyone from the NHS to the DWP and beyond should be made public.

  2. As a retired practitioner social worker and educator I’m disturbed by the systemic abuse as our many. Currently professionals in all public services FAIL AND ARE INCOMPETENT AND ABUSE US THE MOST VULNERABLE. Shannon my daughter was once your ambassador contact us.

  3. As a mum of 2 children with rare genetic conditions and autism and adhd, the way we’ve been treated over the years by professionals who don’t actually understand the conditions so therefore think oh they are making all this up and causing harm to their child which then actually causes harm to the parents and therefore the children has been horrendous. Clueless medical people who instead of educating themselves and learning about the conditions we all have – diagnosed by world experts – state that it doesn’t exist and of course there’s nothing much wrong with us. Despite multiple medical specialists – specialists in their field – having done a lot of work into diagnosis and treatment.

    Gaslighting is very VERY common with parents of kids with ASD and also EDS. Getting these people to even have a slap on the wrist is nigh on impossible and for anyone else who’s done even worse there’s no consequences at all. Even when told to turn up to the police station to be questioned these doctors just disappear on holiday for 3 weeks and then the whole matter is dropped – even after assaulting one of their patients.

  4. The difficulty is it’s always blamed on bad parenting and at times your made to feel it’s all you fault, you do the recommend training, go at your child’s pace, be gentle, be supportive, you listen and advocate for your children and your seen as the problem when all you are trying to do is get the best support in place to meet your child’s individual needs. As parents we know our children better than anyone else and one box doesn’t fit all, perhaps stop shaming and blaming and support the people living with and through the challenges, their is no greater pain than being held responsible for your child’s disability when you have done everything to support and love.

  5. P via CP, ICP & CoP!

    From birth to premature death a month before 18th birthday, a special non verbal voice was not listened to or understood other than expert by experience 24/7 non paid carer mother & special close family, friends & carers.
    The pain, suffering, trauma totally dismissed. The bruising at SEN school covered up. Bleeding, tear throat incident by vindictive nurse, likewise. The hostile dietician who changed feeding regime to suit school agenda despite recurring aspirations & emergency admin. The not fit for purpose wheelchair service that failed to protect scoliosis & pain. The physio that flopped a leg & said ‘not much can be done’. The GP that refused to visit despite high pulse/serious untreated chest infection. There’s more, more & more. Gross multi-agency systemic failures & neglect fuelled from the very top – those contracted at vast public ring-fenced cost to SAFEGUARD & protect children. Single mothers silenced, fii’d, FA’d, discredited & likewise totally unsupported & stand alone. Child death reviews more of the same. Defamatory LeDeR. Questionnaires don’t save precious lives. Accountability called for.

  6. My child recently had an ADHD assessment which was a computer test, so not subjective. She was ‘diagnosed’ with ‘concentration difficulties that meet the criteria for ADHD’ but not diagnosed with ADHD or ADD. Instead the whole focus was on the difficulties she’d encountered growing up with an older sibling with autism. We were told a diagnosis isn’t important by the paediatrician. Whilst the difficulties involving her sibling were relevant, any SEND was dismissed! So frustrating!

  7. There is a fundamental problem at the moment. A combination of professionals always told to think the unthinkable. But never having time to see anyone so referrals to social care are sent over anything.
    Social care treat people like dirt they don’t have any services to refer to so there is no support simply character assassination.
    SEND services are absolutely horrifying so that’s a constant process of stalling, blocking and onwards referral.

    Cheapest option is parental blame.

  8. It is nothing less of a crime against vulnerable children and their family, on a massive scale, but the worst part is the criminalisation of the victims, and deflecting all blames for all services combined, to parents/ typically the carer, which is largely mothers.

    All parents/ mothers are deemed guilty first, before they somehow prove their innocence, but circled by hostile services/ professionals/ where all manner of gaslighting and scaremongering tactics are used to gain control over the families, children, harming them in the process, tearing their family apart and at times permanently, with at times fatal outcomes, whereby the victims are pushed to a point where it is unsustainable and trapped, in worst cases, suicide…
    One less hey!
    Not sure if ICO deals with cases where subjects are deceased!!!!

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