Louise takes on Marathon Challenge for Cerebra

26 August 2021

Louise Astill, a solicitor from CL Medilaw is running the London Marathon for children living with brain conditions and their families

Louise takes on Marathon Challenge for Cerebra

26 August 2021

Louise Astill, a solicitor from CL Medilaw is running the London Marathon for children living with brain conditions and their families


Louise Astill, a solicitor from CL Medilaw, a firm specialising in medical negligence and serious injuries, is gearing up to take on her biggest challenge to date, running the London Marathon on 3rd October in support of Cerebra.

The London Marathon is a 26.2 mile feat around the streets of London, totalling an eye watering 55,000 steps or the equivalent of running her commute from Reading to Oxford!

As a solicitor who works with families of children with acquired brain injuries and other conditions, Louise has come to understand some of the challenges and pressures they face and is keen to help raise awareness of the work that we do, how we support families and to raise funds to allow us to keep on supporting families.

Despite a rocky start to her marathon training, having picked up a knee injury only weeks into her training plan, Louise is now back on track and racking up the miles in readiness for the big day. She is hoping to get up to 20 miles before tapering her runs during the final three weeks before the Marathon.

Louise said, “I am both nervous and excited about running the Marathon. It has always been a dream of mine and I couldn’t think of a more deserving charity to run in support of. I cannot wait to get to the finishing line and celebrate both the achievement of having made it and also having helped support Cerebra.”

We’re so thrilled that Louise is taking on this challenge and Fundraising Manager, James Hay adds, “we are so appreciative of Louise’s support for Cerebra and enthusiasm in taking on her first ever London Marathon in aid of our charity. Louise’s dedication to training for this 26.2 mile challenge is incredible, and we’ll be cheering her on from the rooftops on October 3rd!”

If you would like to make a donation to Cerebra, Louise has set up a Virgin Money Giving page and hopes to be able to raise £2,000 to support the work we do. To donate or check how Louise is getting on, please go to: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/LouiseAstill


Louise is a solicitor at CL Medilaw, a highly experienced team of solicitors who specialise in medical negligence and other serious injury claims. The team work closely with families with children who have an acquired brain injury or brain condition arising out of medical negligence or personal injury. They are dedicated to changing the lives of their clients by making legal matters as straight forward as possible and securing early provision of support to really make a difference to the families they represent.


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