Has your child been refused a continence assessment at home?

15 February 2019

Has your local continence team told you that they can only assess your child at a school/hospital, rather than at home? Our new template letter could help you to make a complaint.

Has your child been refused a continence assessment at home?

15 February 2019

Has your local continence team told you that they can only assess your child at a school/hospital, rather than at home? Our new template letter could help you to make a complaint.


Has your local continence team told you that they can only assess your child at a school/hospital, rather than at home? Our new template letter could help you to make a complaint.

Our Legal Entitlements and Problem-Solving (LEaP) Project helps families who are struggling to get the support they need from health or social care services. A parent recently contacted the Project for advice about her son’s continence assessment. She had been told that the assessment had to take place at her son’s school and that home assessments weren’t possible. She was also told that the supply of nappies would stop if they weren’t able to attend the assessment at the school. The family wanted the continence team to be more flexible and consider giving them the option of an assessment at home, because of their son’s complex medical needs.

We wrote a template letter to help the family make a complaint to the local health authority. Our letter explains that public bodies must act reasonably and where they have the power to do something, they must be prepared to act flexibly, instead of adopting rigid policies.

We wanted to share this template letter with other families who might find themselves in a similar situation. We have separate versions for England and Wales.

8 thoughts on “Has your child been refused a continence assessment at home?”

  1. Hi. We were told our semi incontinent child (a SWAN, with GDD, now 8 years old) didn’t qualify for free nappies. Do you have a template complaint letter re this subject please?

  2. I have been told that my little boy has to be 5 to be considered an assessment is this correct? He is 5 in August

  3. My daughter is going to be assessed by the continent team (she’s 3) been told that free nappies aren’t available anymore?we are west sussex.

  4. Karen Lettington

    Hi we live in Surrey but our gp is in Kent. Kent have said we have to go to them for assessment and said if I didn’t they would stop supplying, then over the phone started telling me I should be putting my son on the toilet and implying if I didn’t they would stop supply nappies. This of course she was saying with no idea of my sons medical needs.

  5. Hi, My Daughter has XIA Gibbs, GDD and autism, she is now 16. I have had to complain several times to get both a home assessment and provision. My daughter is too stressed to have this at school. They can and do provide but I have found that persistence is needed don’t give up. If the products your area use are unsuitable then you can also challenge this. I am provided with an alternative as nothing on their allocated list fits my daughter. I wanted to share this as I have been successful.

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