Improving the well-being of young children with learning disabilities: A Parent’s Guide

21 March 2018

Improving the well-being of young children with learning disabilities: A Parent’s Guide

21 March 2018

We’re looking for people to take a look at a brand new booklet on improving the well-being of young children with learning disabilities, and to give their feedback.

Researchers at the University of Warwick are working with a group of parents of children with learning disabilities, Mencap, the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, and Cerebra to write a guide for parents to support the well-being of young children with learning disabilities.

The booklet combines what we know from research with parents’ personal experiences. The family activities within the booklet have been shown to be important for supporting the well-being of children with learning disabilities.

There are four chapters in the booklet, and parents are able to use the booklet flexibly depending on what information they want to know at the time. The chapters are about:

  • How to look after yourself
  • Organising family life
  • Spending time together
  • Activities to do with my child with a learning disability at home and outside

You can download a copy of the booklet for free here.

Please tell us what you think about it here.

Thank you for your help.


8 thoughts on “Improving the well-being of young children with learning disabilities: A Parent’s Guide”

  1. unable to open link to take a look
    could you send me a copy please I will email me my postal address.

  2. Angeselle Haslam-Hopwood

    I have just seen reference to this new booklet. I will review for you and send in comments. Angeselle

    1. That’s great, we need as many people to review this as possible before it’s launched so thank you!

  3. Hi

    I am Marie-Ora from I am an expert writer and language whiz and would like to write an article for

    I have some great topic ideas your readers will love!

    Who is the right person to speak to about this?

    Best Regards


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