Meet our Cerebra Superhero Runners

02 March 2023

We catch up with the Cerebra Superheroes who are running the 2023 London Landmarks Half Marathon

Meet our Cerebra Superhero Runners

02 March 2023

We catch up with the Cerebra Superheroes who are running the 2023 London Landmarks Half Marathon


These amazing Cerebra Superheroes tell us all about why they are running the 2023 London Landmarks Half Marathon for us next month.


Aseel Hamoud

I’m running for Cerebra as I want to help children with special needs.

I’ve run 10k before, but this will be my first half marathon! The training is going ok, trying to run in the gym twice a week.

What am I looking forward to the most? The vibes, the challenge and mostly, helping the kids!



Darcie Jago

I was inspired to run for Cerebra as I’ll be starting a degree in Occupational Therapy in September, and spent some time working with people with neurological conditions as part of my work experience. I was amazed by the support available, but also shocked by all of the extra associated costs (of therapy, equipment and more). I decided that I wanted to try and help raise some money for charities working for people with brain conditions, and felt that Cerebra was particularly special.

I’ve never run in any sort of event before! The training has been challenging and definitely daunting, but I think I’m finally starting to see some progress and begin to actually enjoy the running a bit more!

What am I looking forward to the most? I think being a part of something so big and knowing that the money I’ve raised will be going to such an incredible charity, doing such important work.

You can show your support for Darcie by visiting her fundraising page.


Victoria Fenech Buontempo

I have decided to run and raise funds for Cerebra because I wanted to do my part with something that ‘I love to do’, meaning that I am helping brain injured children and their families to have a better future with my participation in the LLHM.

This is my first official marathon and am very excited about it. I did register for others but due to Covid and a local hurricane never managed to do it! Preparing myself mentally and physically is a task but with the support of my family and running buddies I know that I can do it.

What am I looking forward to the most? Apart from raising funds for Cerebra, I’m really looking forward in participating in this prestigious Half Marathon. Taking part with hundreds of other runners has always been my dream.

You can show your support for Victoria by visiting her fundraising page.


Caroline Baker

I’m running for Cerebra as they have really helped my son and us as a family for years now. From loaning us a sensory suitcase, to adapting a fish tank, assisting with sleep via the sleep service and providing such useful resource booklets in general too. So I wanted to give something back.

I’ve run a 10k before, but never a half marathon. I’m managing to run 1-2 times per week and fortunately it hasn’t been raining on those days! However it has been very cold sometimes! I’m comfortably up to 10km distances in an hour now, so have some work to do on increasing my endurance.

What am I looking forward to the most? Running a flat course as I’m training in hilly Winchester at present! Also the crowd and support will be a great motivation. Having some of my family support me there too will be so exciting.

You can show your support for Caroline by visiting her fundraising page.


Charlotte Wailes

I’m running for Cerebra as through working in the Child Brain Injury team, at Bolt Burdon Kemp, I have been introduced to the amazing work the charity does. Cerebra makes a huge difference by providing unwavering support to children with brain conditions and their families. I am very excited to be running for such a great cause!

This is my first half marathon. I got into running during lockdown and a half marathon has been a goal of mine for a while. I thought the LLHM would be a great fit! Training is going well. Kim (who is also running the LLHM) introduced me to a 12-week training plan which is helping me keep to a routine. A few of my friends are also training for other events, so we’re motivating each other to keep going!

What am I looking forward to the most? Crossing the finish line and celebrating afterwards!!

You can show your support for Charlotte by visiting her fundraising page.



Kimberly Mendonca

I was inspired to run for Cerebra through my work in the Child Brain Injury team at Bolt Burdon Kemp. I have seen the impact that brain injuries can have on children and their families. Cerebra’s work is incredibly important for our clients and other children who suffer from brain injuries – a very worthy cause that deserves support.

This will be my first half marathon. In fact, it will be my first time taking part in any organized run! Training is going well! I have been trying to follow a 12-week training program, since I am very new to running. I have recently had to take a short break due to knee pain, but with rest and ice I’m ready to get back on track!

What am I looking forward to the most? Running with my colleague, Charlotte, and just having fun on the day!

You can show your support for Kimberly by visiting her fundraising page.


Kate Hitchcock

I was inspired to run for Cerebra as I want to help support children with neurological conditions! I have never run a half marathon before but wanted to set myself a challenge this year!

The training is going well, I have never run in an event like this and to begin with I was very anxious but after starting to run longer distances outside I have seen progress and hit my longest run without stopping!

There are a few things I’m looking forward to…. Completing the half marathon with such an amazing atmosphere! And raise money for an amazing cause that helps support children with neurological conditions!

You can show your support for Kate by visiting her fundraising page.


Isaac Rayworth

My girlfriend ran the London Landmarks half marathon last year with her brother for Cerebra. Watching them carry out their fundraising allowed me to understand more about the fantastic work they do.

I have always loved exercise and fitness. This training for the half marathon has been an exciting challenge to push me out of my comfort zone and get me back into running. Being able to combine my love for exercise and fundraise for an incredible charity at the same time is a huge win!

I’ve ran a few 5km’s before, so committing myself to the challenge back in December to run a half marathon has really motivated me. At first, being able to balance work, social life, other kinds of training and fitting in running all in a week was quite difficult. However, as I’ve become more structured and got into a strong routine of running a minimum of twice a week, upping my mileage and speed it has gradually become easier (Emphasis on the gradual)!

You can show your support for Isaac by visiting his fundraising page.

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