Our Book Library Makes A Big Difference

01 May 2024

Mum Becky explains how borrowing books from our Library has had an impact on her family’s life.

Our Book Library Makes A Big Difference

01 May 2024

Mum Becky explains how borrowing books from our Library has had an impact on her family’s life.


“I wanted to share my experience of using Cerebra Library and the awesome impact it has had on my family’s life.

Firstly, I am Mum to 2, very different, autistic young people. When my children were diagnosed, I had no idea about how being autistic affected how they see the world and how they understand life. So I decided to build on the limited knowledge I had. I researched which books best suited the needs of my children and borrowed them.

As a result, I have been able to change how I parent them and how to create a healthier, neuro diverse environment for them. We now use lots of visuals at home and we have a low demand approach to life. This has meant that my children feel heard and understood more.

They have both developed a stronger positive identity and now embrace their differences. We can now enjoy family days out and even holidays without meltdowns and anxiety as I have learnt the best way to support them – through the wealth of information I’ve learnt from the books I’ve borrowed from Cerebra. These used to be stressful times for us all.

Also, I have purchased the odd book which I’ve borrowed that I felt was so valuable and haven’t spent oodles of money on the ‘wrong’ book.

I will be forever grateful to the service for enabling me to be better mum I am today through the advice and strategies learnt from the books I’ve borrowed.

As my children grow and their needs change, I will continue to borrow the books which are relevant to them at that time.
Thanks so much”.

Our extensive library for parents and carers includes books on a wide variety of subjects that can help answer questions you may have about your child’s condition. In our children’s library we have books to be read with children or by older children. There is a mixture of fiction and non-fiction titles on all sorts of different topics including growing up and behaviour. Find out more here.


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