That dog has got a beard!

04 December 2018

We’ve got a great new children’s book in our library that explores the consequences of being different.

That dog has got a beard!

04 December 2018

We’ve got a great new children’s book in our library that explores the consequences of being different.

That dog has got a beard

We’ve got a great new children’s book in our library that explores the consequences of being different. ‘That dog has got a beard!’ is all about Buster who feels sad and worried because every time he goes out for a walk people stop and stare at him. He doesn’t know why this is happening but with a little help from his family, he begins to realise that being different isn’t such a bad thing after all.

That dog has got a beard

Author Natalie Ann Beattie told us a little bit about herself and the reasons why she wrote the story:

“First and foremost, I am a mother of two young children, Ethan and Isobelle. Ethan is 13 years old and Isobelle is 6. My son Ethan has Autism and ADHD, which are both very challenging and complex conditions. Before becoming a full-time mum and carer for Ethan, I was a Primary teacher for almost 10 years. I taught children from the age of 3 up to 11.

When my son was a little over 18 months things began to change, he stopped speaking and eating, and his behaviour became challenging and repetitive. I left my teaching to focus on his care, and at the tender age of 4 he was diagnosed with ASD and, two years later, ADHD. I have spent the last 10 years plus gathering all the appropriate help and support required to manage his condition and thus enable him to develop socially, as well as mentally and physically. As you can imagine, it has been an incredibly difficult and challenging journey for all of us. However, the time has come to use all those years of experience in a positive and fulfilling way.

“That dog has got a beard!” is essentially a story about a dog who, because of the way he looks attracts a lot of unwanted attention from other people. When the owners of the other dogs start talking about Buster’s beard and laugh at him, he becomes sad and worried and struggles to work out why he is different to everyone else. Fortunately, with the help and love of his family he learns to embrace his difference and become a happy dog once again.

The story is loosely based on some of the negative responses we have received as a family when we have gone out together with Ethan and something has triggered a ‘meltdown’. The frequent stares, snide remarks and hurtful comments have been devastating and a cruel reminder of the need for people to accept and become more aware of children and adults with autism. We have learned to embrace our son’s condition and to see him as a very special and wonderfully unique young person. I felt that now was the time for the rest of society to appreciate his autism and learn to celebrate, not mock, other people’s differences, whether they be physical, mental or behavioural. In essence, for society to accept him, not the other way around.

The second reason for my story is a simple one. Every time we go out for a walk with our Labradoodle, Buster, people stop and make a comment about his beard. The phrase ‘that dog has got a beard’ was one that I heard so many times that it sparked off the idea for the book. How often do you see a dog with a beard? Especially one that is 7 inches long! Buster is a wonderful dog and has an amazing temperament. He is loved wherever he goes and we are regularly invited to schools, mother and toddler groups, sports clubs and residential homes to do book readings. Buster is a hit with all ages.

Thank you Cerebra for including my book in your library.”

You can borrow ‘That dog has a beard!’ free of charge from our postal lending library.
You can also find out more on Natalie’s website and follow Buster’s adventures on his very own Facebook page .

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