Useful Resources from the Council for Disabled Children

01 December 2020

Useful Resources from the Council for Disabled Children

01 December 2020

Family with siblings

Amongst the many useful resources parents of disabled children can find on the Council for Disabled Children’s (CDC) website we would like to highlight three that you may find particularly useful at the moment.

Firstly, they have developed a Coronavirus Support and Guidance webpage consisting of a list of helpful resources and information relating to coronavirus. The information is aimed at parent carers, children and young people, professionals and practitioners in the education, health and social care sector. The page will be updated as new resources are published and will remain up to date throughout this period. You will find the page here.

Secondly, they have launched a Family Support webpage which contains guidance for families, local authorities and short break providers on respite and short breaks under the new national restrictions. You can read it here.

Last but not least, the Disabled Children: a legal handbook co-edited by Luke Clements, Cerebra Professor of social justice at Leeds University, can be downloaded free of charge. A brilliant resource, it is an accessible guide to the legal rights of disabled children and their families in England. There are twelve chapters within the handbook on topics including: education; health; children’s services; transition into adulthood; housing; carers and welfare benefits. You can download or read it here.


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