Welsh Government Seeks Your Views On How Wales Should Develop Post-Covid

22 July 2020

The Welsh Government has launched a national conversation with the people of Wales on how it should support future post-Covid recovery.

Welsh Government Seeks Your Views On How Wales Should Develop Post-Covid

22 July 2020

The Welsh Government has launched a national conversation with the people of Wales on how it should support future post-Covid recovery.

Letter writing

The Welsh Government has launched a national conversation with the people of Wales on how it “should support future post-Covid recovery and reconstruction in Wales”. Although there is no restriction on the issues that can be tackled, parents of disabled children and young people may well have views on subjects such as respite care provision, transition to adult services and support for parent carers to name just a few.

So that you can appreciate for yourselves the scale and importance of what is being asked for we are reproducing the Welsh Government’s invitation to take part in full. It also includes the email address to send your ideas:

Covid-19 – Stakeholder Engagement

Coronavirus has had a significant impact on all countries around the world and Wales. As well as the health risks; jobs are at risk; public finances are at risk; our vulnerable communities are at risk. Providing for the recovery from the public health emergency represents the biggest challenge we have faced as a Devolved Government. This vital work will impact all areas of Welsh peoples’ lives and will be profoundly important for public services, for the economy and society.

There can be no doubt that we face huge, unprecedented, challenges. As we plot a course to recovery and reconstruction, our approach will be based on the same values – a commitment to social, economic and environmental justice – and will embed our obligations to those who follow us alongside those that are living through Covid19, under the Well-Being of Future Generations Act.

Our values remain the same, but we will need to be fearless and radical in applying to our established policies the lens of the new post-Covid realities. Many of the things that have worked in the past will no longer be fit for purpose. We will need to show flexibility and imagination in appraising our current approaches and in developing new ones. That is why as well as drawing on thinking from within the Government, we are also determined to look outside for challenge to our established ways of thinking and for fresh inspiration.

We are issuing an invitation to people in Wales to send us their thoughts on how we should support future post-Covid recovery and reconstruction in Wales. We have a dedicated email address – [email protected] – and would like to hear your thoughts on how we can shape our future Wales. We would like to hear from the people in Wales about what really matters, about where we should focus our efforts on recovery. We are asking people to aim to do that by the end of July. That will be far from the end of this crucial national conversation, but we want to help focus people’s efforts in contributing to our understanding and thinking in these early stages.

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