YouTube Sensation Becomes Cerebra Ambassador

28 April 2021

Emily Nicole Roberts joins the wonderful team of Cerebra Ambassadors.

YouTube Sensation Becomes Cerebra Ambassador

28 April 2021

Emily Nicole Roberts joins the wonderful team of Cerebra Ambassadors.

Emily Nicole

We are delighted to announce that YouTube sensation, Emily Nicole Roberts has become a Cerebra Ambassador.

Emily, 22 from South Wales was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she was three years old and despite only having her own YouTube channel for a year, she has made a huge impression.

From being recognised by The Prime Minister and the Welsh Secretary of State as a ‘Point of Light’ for disability advocacy to being nominated as a ‘Positive Role Model’ at this year’s National Diversity Awards, it’s been quite a year!

Emily uses a wheelchair and in her ‘How Emily’ videos, she shows her viewers how to tackle everyday situations like getting dressed, transferring in and out of the car and even how to get on Radio One! These useful tips help others who face similar challenges each day, but they also show that having a disability doesn’t have to be life-limiting.

Cerebra Ambassadors play a key role in raising awareness of our work within their communities, through their social media and through their professional networks. This helps enormously with our fundraising efforts but, crucially, it also means more families who could benefit greatly from our support know who we are and how to get in touch.

Derek Spinks, Marketing and Communications Manager at Cerebra said: ‘we are delighted to welcome Emily as an Ambassador for our charity. To have someone so influential, who knows what it’s like to grow up with a disability, take such a keen interest in what we do and how we support children and their families is fantastic. We’re really looking forward to working with Emily and also sharing her wisdom and inspirational videos with all the families we support.’

Emily’s first task as a Cerebra Ambassador was to hold a virtual ‘Tea Break Talk’ for Cerebra’s followers, where she was able to introduce herself and give some valuable insight into how she got to where she is today and the ups and downs she had to go through.

I’m very grateful to be where I am today and have had lots of positive experiences, particularly through doing my videos. At times growing up, though, I felt different and saw this as a negative, but I started to see the importance in every lesson in my journey – the good and the bad. One day I woke up and searched the internet for practical videos for wheelchair users and I couldn’t find anything. I was determined that this content would exist!

To find out more about Emily and her inspirational videos please visit her YouTube channel.




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