Brain injury at birth guide for parents

02 December 2020

Being a new parent involves a huge learning curve but when you are told something is wrong with your baby, it can be a confusing and stressful time

Brain injury at birth guide for parents

02 December 2020

Being a new parent involves a huge learning curve but when you are told something is wrong with your baby, it can be a confusing and stressful time

baby with cords in incubator

Being a new parent involves a huge learning curve but when you are told something is wrong with your baby – or you suspect there is – it can be a confusing and stressful time. The terms doctors and nurses use can be complex and unfamiliar.

This guide is intended to help parents or carers of babies who may have suffered a brain injury at birth resulting from a lack of oxygen, or hypoxia. With the help of medical experts, parents who have children with brain injury and Leigh Day’s team of lawyers, the guide explains some of the terms you may hear in the days and weeks after your baby’s birth.

It also looks at what can happen in the delivery room, the first month of life, the tests your child may have, how a brain injury may have happened and then bringing your baby home.

You can view the guide here.

Although we are grateful to receive support from a number of corporate sponsors, we do not endorse any specific organisation. If you are seeking legal advice, we encourage you to contact a number of experienced solicitors for an initial discussion before selecting a firm.


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