In September 2021, as part of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) reform the Welsh Government began the phased transfer from the SEN system to the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) system. On 20 September 2022 two guides were published aimed at providing information to parents and carers about the new ALN system.
A guide for parents about rights under the additional learning needs (ALN) system deals with the ALN system in general. The guidance points out that:
Some things have not changed. Having ALN is the same as having SEN. This means that if a child has SEN they are also likely to have ALN.
However, somethings have changed, for instance it is noticeable that the parental right to be able to name their preferred maintained school[1] has not been maintained in the new system, unlike in the case of the SEN reforms introduced in England in 2014.
Implementing the additional learning needs system between September 2021 and August 2024: a guide for parents and families provides information specifically about the phased introduction to the ALN system. For instance, for children with statements under the old system:
The table below shows when children who receive SEP (Special Educational Provision) via statements must move to the ALN system.
[1] Except in certain conditions,