Our BorrowBox library has a selection of e-books and a-audiobooks that parent/carers can borrow to read or listen to and we have just added some new ones. They cover Autism; ADHD; Tourettes; toilet training; difficult emotions and many other subjects. They include the Best Sellers ‘Your Child is Not Broken’ by Heidi Mavir on e-book and ‘A Kind of Spark’ by Elle McNicoll on e-audiobook.
You can take a look at our e-library via our website: https://cerebra.org.uk/get-advice-support/library/borrow-ebooks/.
If you’d like to join our e-library it’s open to parent carers of children aged 16 and under with a brain condition, it’s free of charge and you can join here: https://cerebra.org.uk/get-advice-support/library/join-the-library/.
Or if you have any questions about our e-library please email [email protected].
Janet Pugh