Lowri is our Knowledge Transfer Project Mental Health Research Associate. She explains about a visual map that was created following a recent steering group:
“This visual map designed by the Scarlet Design Group captures the discussion we had during our last Steering Group meeting. Our group is made up of parents and professionals and are integral to ensuring we improve information and support for families as best as we can.
During our last meeting we decided to focus the conversation on mental health in schools. We discussed why children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) can find school challenging, the effects of lockdown on children’s mental health and the challenges they face going back to school. The group also considered the support systems that should be in place to help give children a positive school environment which supports their learning and mental health.
Information gathered from the group has been fed back to the Department of Education and helped us to form our response to Welsh Government’s draft framework for implementing a whole school approach to mental wellbeing in schools.”
Lowri recently spoke to us as part of our ‘Tea Break Talks’ series where we talk to members of Cerebra staff to find out about the work they are doing. Watch Lowri’s here.