Support in the Early Years Survey

25 September 2018

We are working with the Family Research Group at the University of Warwick, as well as with Mencap, Ambitious about Autism and ENABLE Scotland on a new study focusing on Support in the Early Years for families of young children with learning disability and/or autism in the UK.

Support in the Early Years Survey

25 September 2018

We are working with the Family Research Group at the University of Warwick, as well as with Mencap, Ambitious about Autism and ENABLE Scotland on a new study focusing on Support in the Early Years for families of young children with learning disability and/or autism in the UK.

Boy with a female carer, smiling.

We are working with the Family Research Group at the University of Warwick, as well as with Mencap,  Ambitious about Autism and ENABLE Scotland on a new study focusing on Support in the Early Years for families of young children with learning disability and/or autism in the UK.

If you are the parent or parental caregiver of a child aged 0-6 years old (from birth until the day before their 7th birthday) with a diagnosed or suspected learning disability and/or autism, we would like to invite you to participate by completing our brief survey.

Your child might have other conditions as well – as long as your child has a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of a learning disability (sometimes referred to as intellectual disability, developmental delay or special educational needs) and/or autism and lives in the UK, we are keen to hear from you.

We are exploring the experiences of families of young children with learning disability and/or autism in the UK, particularly related to their use and access to support services such as early intervention and early years support. This study will further our understanding of what support families access in the early years, what may prevent them from accessing services, and what could help to improve access to early years support. This research will also help us to develop ways to increase access to early intervention and support for families of children with learning disabilities and/or autism in the UK.

You can find out more about the study here 

You can complete the survey online here  or request a paper copy by e-mailing [email protected].

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the study, please don’t hesitate to contact the research team by email: [email protected] or telephone: 02476 575 866.

We really appreciate your time and support. Thank you.


1 thought on “Support in the Early Years Survey”

  1. Vanessa Johnson

    I am a mom of 4 year old twin boys who have non verbal Autism they have had an EHCP in place since 6th October 2018 however we are currently waiting for there final plans to be issued with no school name as there are no spaces available. I am aware that this is not a legal reason for them not be be accepted however we have no got no choice but to take our case to Tribunal. This has been my on going battle since December our case worker Rebecca Barnsley has avoided my calls and not responded to my emails and is currently off sick with no one dealing with her cases. I feel totally alone and very mush discriminated against due to having Twins.

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