CIC Helps Create Protective Equipment for NHS Staff

08 April 2020

Ross from our Innovation Centre explains how the team have been involved with creating masks to help protect NHS staff during the Coronavirus pandemic.

CIC Helps Create Protective Equipment for NHS Staff

08 April 2020

Ross from our Innovation Centre explains how the team have been involved with creating masks to help protect NHS staff during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus protection

Hi Cerebra family! I do hope you have all been coping well during lock down. I can tell you, in my household, boundaries have been pushed and tempers frayed, but on the whole we have managed well- plenty of creative activity, laps of the garden and cuddles going on…not so much school work!

I wanted to update you on some super exciting work the CIC team have been involved with. We are linked very closely to University of Wales Trinity Saint David, way over here in Swansea. We have teamed up with some of their super high-flying researchers and designers to try to help out with the COVID19 pandemic. We are using our design skills and resources to help design breathing masks to help supply the shortfall in supplies in the NHS and face shields for front line workers to give them some protection whilst they bravely work through this. We are so happy to have been able to help. It has been “all hands to deck”, with all team members focusing on their skill areas. The CIC team were allocated the mask straps (as we work with fabrics quite often) and BSI safety testing to work on (we have been through this complex process before also). We have been designing and calling suppliers, manufactures and putting things in place for when we get the green light!

Additionally, many people with 3D printers have been offering to build face shield components. We have a beautiful, super high-tech Ultimaker S5 3D printer (very kindly funded by the Edward Gosling Foundation and heavily discounted by Create Education) which will be put to use, producing 6 face shields every day…..imagine, if everyone with a 3D printer makes 6 face shields per day- that is a lot of face shields! The finished products will be delivered to local hospitals, surgeries and front line services.

Please remember to share your experiences with us. Anything we can do to help will be done with maximum efficiency!

If you have an idea for a product or would like some help to solve a problem then you can get in touch with our team through our contact form.

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